Even though the Smoothplayer radio show is brand spanking new, the actual domain was launched in early 2000.  That’s right, SP is almost 20 years old. And just like a good bottle of scotch or a nice vintage Sansui receiver,  we like to think we’ve aged quite nicely.

Episode 17:
Drink of Choice
Episode 14:
Days of the Week
Episode 13:
In Obscurity
Episode 12:
For The Birds
Episode 11:
Human Anatomy
Episode 10:
Life Is Sweet
Episode 9
80s/90s Brit Alt-Pop
Episode 8:
History Lessons
Episode 7:
Proper Names
Episode 6:
Exceptional Covers
Episode 5:
Songs From 80’s and 90’s Cinema
Episode 4
Fruits and Vegetables
Episode 3
Mother’s Day
Episode 2
Quarantine Edition
Episode 1:
Top 12 Desert Island Albums