THERE'S HISTORY HERE: Category: Song Analysis

Even though the Smoothplayer radio show is brand spanking new, the actual domain was launched in early 2000.  That’s right, SP is almost 20 years old. And just like a good bottle of scotch or a nice vintage Sansui receiver,  we like to think we’ve aged quite nicely.

Episode 17:
Drink of Choice
Episode 14:
Days of the Week
Episode 13:
In Obscurity
Episode 12:
For The Birds
Episode 11:
Human Anatomy
Episode 10:
Life Is Sweet
Episode 9
80s/90s Brit Alt-Pop
Episode 8:
History Lessons
Episode 7:
Proper Names
Episode 6:
Exceptional Covers
Episode 5:
Songs From 80’s and 90’s Cinema
Episode 4
Fruits and Vegetables
Episode 3
Mother’s Day
Episode 2
Quarantine Edition
Episode 1:
Top 12 Desert Island Albums